Journal Publication        Journal Publishing

Journal Publishing

Some selected papers presented at the APIC-IST 2024 conference will also be published in the following international journals after further revisions. To be considered and selected for journal publication, authors are required to submit a full paper, regardless of whether it was originally submitted as a conference or workshop paper. The full paper should be 3-6 pages in length.

  • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (indexed by SCIE)
  • Journal of Internet Computing and Services (indexed by KCI)

  • NOTE: We aim to publish the special issue journal as promptly as possible. Therefore, we kindly request that authors prepare their papers with a high level of English proficiency and ensure they are of camera-ready quality. Furthermore, the submission to the journal must be an extended version of the paper that was presented at the conference and recommended. It is important to note that the recommendation may be canceled if research irregularities, such as submitting a different paper to the journal or improper authorship, are confirmed.