Information for Authors        Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

APIC-IST 2024 welcomes the submission of original and unpublished research works that are not currently under consideration by any other publication or conference. Authors can choose to submit either a short paper of 2 pages or a full paper ranging from 3 to 6 pages. For those interested in pursuing journal publication, it is recommended to submit a full paper of 3 to 6 pages for evaluation. For further information regarding journal recommendations, please visit

Accepted papers can be presented either in an oral presentation session or a poster session. Please note that for a paper to be included in the APIC-IST 2024 conference proceedings, it is mandatory that at least one of the authors attends the conference in person to present the accepted paper.

Authors should log in to the "Manuscript Submission System" to submit their abstracts or papers. To enter the "Manuscript Submission System", click the "Submit Manuscript" button below. Please note that the camera-ready manuscript should be uploaded as a Microsoft Word file (e.g., Paper-id.doc). Submissions in PDF format will not be accepted.

  Submit Manuscript   Manuscript Format
  Abstract Submission Guidelines
  • Deadline: May 3, 2024
  • Detailed formatting and submission instructions:
    • Login to the "Manuscript Submission System" by clicking the "Submit Manuscript" button above.
      Click "Submit" from the "Author(submit)" menu in the top right corner, then follow the steps below.
    • Step 1: Fill out the "Basic Information" field by selecting the appropriate track(Track1 to Track12), paper type (Short or Full), and preferred presentation type (Oral or Poster). Next, enter the manuscript title and provide an abstract for your paper. Ensure that the abstract does not exceed the 2000 character limit. Click the "Save and Continue" button.
    • Step 2: Fill out "Author(s) Information" section. Click the "Save and Continue" button.
    • Step 3: Upload your manuscript file(s). Click the "Save and Continue" button.
    • Step 4: Review all the provided information, and click the "Confirm & Submit" button to complete the submission process.

  Manuscript Submission Guidelines
  • Deadline: May 10, 2024
  • Detailed formatting and submission instructions:
    • To submit a paper in the "Manuscript Submission System", please select the "Modify" tab after selecting your previously submitted abstract.
    • Authors may submit either a short paper of 2 pages in length or a full paper ranging from 3 to 6 pages, based on the following format form, regardless of the submission type (presentation, workshop or poster paper).

  Camera-Ready Submission Guidelines
  • Deadline: May 30, 2024
  • Detailed formatting and submission instructions:
    • To submit a camera-ready paper, select "Camera Ready" option from the left menu within the "Manuscript Submission System".
    • Authors can select an appropriate paper from a list of their previously submitted papers.
    • Please note that the page length for a full paper is 3-6 pages, and the page limit for a short paper and poster is 2 pages.
    • Please ensure the quality, format and English language proficiency of your paper.
    • Along with the final camera-ready paper, authors also need to submit a signed "Copyright Form," which can be downloaded by clicking the button below.